Android Virtual Device (AVD) manager. Launching of AVD Aldeniz Rashidov, In this section, I will introduce you how to create Android Virtual Device (AVD) for debugging of your applications with Android emulator in Eclipse. Eclipse is an integrated development environment, which used to develop Android and Java applications and provides the ability to …
Category Archives: Android
Development of Android applications with Eclipse (part 2)
Installation of Android SDK Aldeniz Rashidov, In this section, I will introduce you how to install the Android Application Development Toolkit (Android SDK) in Eclipse under Windows OS. Eclipse is an integrated development environment, which used to develop Android and Java applications and provides the ability to create, compile, and set up Java …
Development of Android applications with Eclipse (part 1)
INSTALLATION OF ECLIPSE Aldeniz Rashidov, Contents: I. Installation of Eclipse under MAC OS X II. Installation of Eclipse under Windows I. Installation of Eclipse under MAC OS X In this section I will you introduce how install the integrated development environment (IDE) Eclipse under OS MAC OS X. Eclipse is an essential tool used …

Mobi&Learn ( is a learning management system and used for blended learning, electronic and distance education, flipped classroom and other e-learning projects in schools, universities, workplaces and other sectors. With customization features, it is used to create (via browser) courses from educators and trainers to achieve learning goals. Every course have one or more lessons …